Evangelical approaches to interfaith understanding, dialogue, and cooperation

This was an in-depth discussion with Pastor Bob Roberts from Fortworth, Texas on issues regarding evangelicals and their approaches to other faiths and interfaith cooperation.
Dr. Bob Roberts, Jr. is the founder of GlocalNet, a non-profit dedicated to mobilizing the church for transformation in the public square and co-founder of Multi-Faith Neighbors Network (MFNN), a multifaith organization committed to promoting international religious freedom through intentional cross-cultural relationships.
Over the past 20 years Bob has been a trailblazer in the multi-faith peacemaking and international religious freedom arenas, frequently being called upon by the U.S. Department of State, United Nations, U.S. Islamic World Forum, World Economic Forum, ambassadors, international royal families, diplomats, policy leaders and others for his groundbreaking work in this field. He seeks to build and execute a model whereby multi-faith and church planting combine to create flourishing cities. Dr. Roberts’ has had the honor of engaging in bridge building efforts in Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Israel, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Egypt, West Bank, Iraq, Kuwait, Iran, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and others.
Bob started Northwood Church in Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX for over 33 years ago and currently serves as Global Senior Pastor. He is the author of six books: Transformation, Glocalization, The Multiplying Church, Real Time Connection, Bold as Love and Lessons from the East.
Dr. Roberts’ is a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary (Doctorate of Ministry), Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Masters of Divinity), and Baylor University (BA). He and his wife Niki have two children and three grandchildren.
Emre Celik is the Executive Director at Peace Islands New York. He has held positions in numerous non-profits in Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Washington DC, and New York working on educational and interfaith projects. He is currently completing his Ph.D. in Islamic Studies examining civil Islam in the United States and regularly speaks on civil Islam, Sufism, Muslim diaspora communities, and human rights issues and has spoken at Harvard, Georgetown, American, George Washington, and various other universities and institutions in the United States. His op-eds, interviews, and social media are available here: https://bit.ly/EC_bio